Saturday, September 22, 2012

What's in for Spring/Summer 2012 Australia?


Hey everyone! It's Kathleen and today I'll be blogging on one of the hottest trend for this Spring & Summer! Yes girls, neon trend is in and it's time to wear those bright tops and bottoms to lit up the sunny OZ. You can wear neon and go BOLD with those colors or use it with you own FEMININE style. Check out these neon styles straight from the catwalk.


Now, I know what you're thinking. I know that most of you are holding a tight budget so I went on a little online shopping spree on and suggest some of those affordable but still fashionable Neon Tops, Blazers, Dresses, and Bottoms that you'll surely be in love with! 

Let's make it clear, when you choose to wear neon, you're never gonna go unnoticed. Be sure you want that kind of attention from everyone and be sure that you're comfortable in wearing them.

 If you're going for the modest look, use neon tops paired with darker colors. These would balance out the colors and make it more wearable. From cotton on, I found these 3 neon tops that were paired with something dark. Guess what? They're also just $30 dollars! 

I also thought wearing neon blazers would be a good way to show off those colors. From the blazers I've found in cotton on, you can go bold with the affordable neon orange blazer or go feminine with the lighter neon blazers.

What's spring without those flowy sundresses? You can also wear these fun and chic neon colored dresses! Don't forget to pair them with your accessories and bag. I suggest using Yohana's neon bags from our previous post. :D

Lastly, you can choose to pair your tops with colored jeans and shorts!

Check this video out to know more about styling neon fashion!

Not too bad right? Make sure to try out these suggestions. 
We'll be posting more affordable fashion styles and mixes soon so stick around gals!

Kathleen Gesilva

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