Monday, September 17, 2012

Blog's Design & Layout

Post number 2
Hello everyone!
Putting all our fashion posts aside, I will be talking about our blog's layout and design as one of the requirements for our ISYS100 Assignment 2.

First up, blog layout! We chose to have a blog that's packed with information yet we wanted it to look neat at the same time. This is why we chose to have two sidebars. The left side bar shows all the gadgets where you'll find the related links and other interactive activities in this blog. The list of gadgets on this side includes our Blog Logo, search bar engine, twitter links! We'll also be including a poll and even images or video in the future!

On the left side, we have all the information about all three of us, Kathleen, Mandy, and Yohana. This includes the purpose of this blog, the archive of fashion articles we post every week, and the tags/labels tally of our posts.

At the top, we have the header which introduces our blog title and also shows the pages bar.
At the bottom, we have put a gadget that would also allow you readers to follow our posts via email. Then below that is just the blog attributes. 

Next is the design. Since we're a fashion blog, we wanted to give our blog an edgy design with chic colors. From here you'll see a minimalist approach in our design. Our posts are mainly inputted in black filled boxes with white text. As for the background, we chose a very chic pattern that reflects the theme of our blog which is fashion!

This is all for now. Watch out for more changes in the future! We plan to have more posts, include more images, videos and polls for everyone! Don't forget to follow us every week! You do not want to miss out!


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